Blephaclean wipes are used to help treat symptoms of blepharitis (eyelid inflammation) which is commonly associated with dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction.
Blephaclean wipes are clinically proven to reduce symptoms of blepharitis; after 21 days of twice-daily use, patient OSDI scores were reduced to ‘asymptomatic’ in 55% of patients, with significant overall improvements in ocular comfort (p<0.001).
Blephaclean wipes improved ocular symptoms, with patients reporting less crusting around the eyelashes, redness around lid margins, heavy or puffy eyelids and eyelids stuck together in the mornings.
Blepharitis is a key cause of cataract cancellations. Providing pre-operative cataract patients with lid hygiene advice resulted in a 58% reduction (p=0.03) in cancellation rates. Microbial load on the eyelid was significantly reduced after using Blephaclean for 3 days compared to placebo.